

1.?具有極佳的透明度,拋光后晶瑩剔透,透光率達93.7%;Excellent transparency, crystal clear after being polished, light transmittance up to 93.7% ;
2.?表面高亮光滑,無異物;highlighted and smooth surface?without foreign matters;
3.?耐候性、耐溫性好,不會褪色失光;good?weathering resistance and temperature resistance without fading and dulling;
4.?加工后性能穩定,無異味;stable performance without odor after processing;
美臣亞克力價值體現:The value of?“MASON”?acrylic?is reflected in
1.硬度高。具有目前同等產品較高的硬度指標,平均達洛氏硬度(M)值101(詳見《化學測試報告》);?High hardness.?It has the highest hardness index among the same?products?currently and its average Rockwell hardness is 101 (see?“Chemical Test Report”);
2.板厚精度優異。厚薄公差超過國家標準;Excellent thickness accuracy.?The thickness tolerance is much higher than the national standard;
3.異物少。采用多層特殊過濾裝置,無塵車間,杜絕雜質摻入的可能。Few foreign matters.?Special multi-layer filter unit and dust-free plant are used to eliminate the possible incorporation of impurities.
4.品質穩定。整套流水線采用達到醫藥純凈標準的全封閉形式運轉,恒溫作業,保證品質的穩定性。?4.?Stable quality.?The entire assembly line operates in the fully closed form meeting the pharmaceutical pure standard and at a constant temperature to ensure quality stability.


Special multi-layer filter unit and dust-free plant are used to eliminate the possible incorporation of impurities.

The entire assembly line operates in the fully closed form meeting the pharmaceutical pure standard and at a constant temperature to ensure quality stability.

專業 ?專注 ?專心
Professionalization, devotion and concentration

Check at each level from quality inspection and inventory management to accurate distribution to the customer warehouse to present perfection?

With perfect after-sales service assurance system, we will arrange relevant personnel to solve at the first time in case of quality problem in the product and never pass the buck.

? ?2008年4月,上海精見新材料有限公司成立。主要致力于PMMA板材及前沿高分子材料的研究及開發,公司擁有高端進口生產設備,年產量達1萬余噸,國內外年銷售額達到2億多人民幣。目前已成為Dior、SHISEIDO、LANCOME等國際一線化妝品牌合作商,在中東、美國和俄羅斯等國家有長期重點客戶。公司主要產品有亞克力、PETG、PET、PC、PVC微發泡板等。
? ? 公司長期在高分子材料領域不斷地探索創新,取得了一定的成就,推出的”美の臣”亞克力系列,采用璐彩特(Lucite)、三菱等世界知名品牌進口原料,搭配更新型流水線生產設備,以及英國皮爾金頓(Pilkington)玻璃模具生產。產品通過了國家化建中心檢驗和瑞士通標公司SGS產品檢測認證,板材透光率和洛氏硬度遠高于行業標準,可生產厚度達到200MM,充分滿足了高端客戶的需求。
? ? 公司始終以滿足客戶需求為中心,專注于高端品質與服務,為客戶提供一站式解決方案,強大的技術研發團隊,為您的需求量身定做。
? ? 精于心,見于行。承載著客戶的信任和托付,我們用心做好每一件事情,以實際行動回報客戶的厚愛與支持!
? ?Shanghai?Kingscope?New Material Co., Ltd.?was established on April 2008 to provide customers with professional acrylic?plates and application derivative supporting services.?The company has always continued to explore and innovate in the acrylic field and integrated resources based on the purpose of meeting customer needs to enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise.?
? ? “MASON”?acrylic (green logo) products provided by the company?are produced?with?the world’s top PMMA monomer and?matching all kinds of latest imported?assembly line?production equipment as well as?Pilkington?glass molds?imported?from British.?We, upholding the target of providing customers with best?acrylic, constantly and carefully research in terms of manufacturing?technology?and seek the best methods to enhance the highest acrylic quality.?
? ? Refined in heart and seen in behavior.?Bearing the confidence and trust of?the?customers, we do everything carefully and return the love and support of customers with concrete actions!